Designers: Friedemann Friese
Publishers: 2F Spiele, Rio Grande Games
Boardgamegeek Info: Power Grid (Funkenschlag)
GM: Shiv Chopra
Demo: Thurs 3 PM
See schedule for Heat times
The top two finishers in the Final will receive a plaque.
Event Description
Preliminary Rounds
Five-player games are preferred, with four players only when necessary. The following boards will be used:
Heat 1: Russia, Italy or Benelux
Heat 2: Brazil, France or Central Europe
Note: In all Heats, if the entire table agrees you may play on any map.
Deck 1 will be used in all rounds.
Randomly determine the initial player order. Then each player (in order) selects one region to be in play. You may select any region with the caveat that all regions must be contiguous when the last player has selected.
Semi-final board: Middle East
Final board: Players Choice! Must be unanimous.
Seating & initial player order in the semi-finals & finals will not be random, it will be based on player record. The initial player order will be in reverse player record/ The worst record goes first initially & puts the first power plant up for bid.
If there are five or fewer game-winners, there will be no semi-finals & the top five players will play a 5-player final.
If there are 6-10 game-winners, a 10-player semi-final will be held, consisting of two 5-player games. All game winners will advance automatically to the semi-finals & the remaining seats will be filled by the closest second-place players. The winner & second-place in each semi-final game will advance to a 4-player final.
Semi-final #1: Players 1, 4, 5, 8 & 10. Player 10 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #2: Players 2, 3, 6, 7 & 9. Player 9 puts up the first power plant for bid.
If there are 11-16 game-winners, a 16-player semi-final will be held, consisting of four 4-player games. All game winners will advance automatically to the semi-finals & the remaining seats will be filled by the closest second-place players. The winner in each semi-final game will advance to a 4-player final.
Semi-final #1: Players 1, 8, 9 & 16. Player 16 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #2: Players 2, 7, 10 & 15. Player 15 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #3: Players 3, 6, 11 & 14. Player 14 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #4: Players 4, 5, 12 & 13. Player 13 puts up the first power plant for bid.
If there are 17-20 game-winners, a 20-player semi-final will be held, consisting of five 4-player games. All game winners will advance automatically to the semi-finals & the remaining seats will be filled by the closest second-place players. The winner in each semi-final game will advance to a 5-player final.
Semi-final #1: Players 1, 10, 11 & 20. Player 20 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #2: Players 2, 9, 12 & 19. Player 19 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #3: Players 3, 8, 13 & 18. Player 18 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #4: Players 4, 7, 14 & 17. Player 17 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #5: Players 5, 6, 15 & 16. Player 16 puts up the first power plant for bid.
If there are 21+ game-winners, a 25-player semi-final will be held, consisting of five 5-player games. The top 25 players will advance automatically to the semi-finals. The winner in each semi-final game will advance to a 5-player final.
Semi-final #1: Players 1, 10, 11, 20 & 25. Player 25 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #2: Players 2, 9, 12, 19 & 24. Player 24 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #3: Players 3, 8, 13, 18 & 23. Player 23 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #4: Players 4, 7, 14, 17 & 22. Player 22 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Semi-final #5: Players 5, 6, 15, 16 & 21. Player 21 puts up the first power plant for bid.
Do not collect income the final round of the game.
Plant 29 (in the original deck) powers 4 cities.
In a four-player game, randomly remove 4 plants (face down) from the deck before putting plant 13 (or 11) on top.
When the Step 3 card is revealed, immediately shuffle the remainder of the deck.
The FAQs available here shall be in effect:
Money is hidden but MUST remain on the table. The banker’s transactions must be verified by another player.
At the end of each game, players are ranked by the number of cities supplied with power with any ties broken by the amount of ending cash. A specialized score sheet will be provided to record this information as it will also be used to rank players for advancement to the elimination rounds.
For example, if Anne wins with 15 cities and $110, Jim has 15 cities and $101, and Raj has 15 and $10 then Anne’s score would be recorded as 15,110, Jim’s score would be recorded as 15,101 and Raj’s score would be recorded as 15,010.
When playing the Benelux map, during Stages 1 & 2, the discard and replacement of the lowest power plant at the same time as the highest power plant is placed at the bottom of the deck: both plants will be removed, and then two replacements will be drawn from the deck.
When playing the Benelux map, the purple area (Luxembourg) is considered to be part of the dark blue area, and so there are only 5 areas on this map.
Any game that is not finished 20 minutes prior to the end of the time slot is subject to adjudication by the GM.
Please refrain from telling or suggesting to other players what they should do.